Elementary (1st-4th)

The elementary years are a time of learning and maturing. CCA will focus on the whole child, focusing on academics such as reading, mathematics, science, social studies, Bible, art, music, and physical education. Students will also continue to grow in their relationship with Jesus as they are reminded that they are made with a purpose by a God who loves them.


CCA uses Abeka curriculum. Specifically, students will receive instruction in Reading, History, Mathematics, Science/Health, English, and Bible. Each subject is taught with Bible as the foundation of learning. It is our goal to reach students of all ages with the Gospel.

Reading is taught with character building reading material. Selections for reading are chosen for interest, readability, theme, and values.  Students will use critical thinking skills to ensure comprehension. 

History is taught with a historical prospective and instills within students a gratitude for God’s hand in history. Students are taught patriotism and a love for God and country. 

Mathematics is the study of logic and order that students will apply to science and daily life.  Students will gain a foundation with problem solving skills, resulting in life-long application. 

Science and Health will allow students to explore and investigate to discover life science, earth science, and other scientific fields. 

English will provide students will the ability to effectively communicate in a structured, reasonable and well-articulated manner.  Using literature of the ages, students are given the opportunity to improve writing and speaking based on a strong grammatical foundation.